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Xun Zi


        Xun Zi(around 313 B. C. -238 B. C.),famous ancient philosopher, educator and successor of pre-Ch'in thinking. He was engaged in political activities, lecturing, writing books. He also paid great attention on the effect of environment and education. He also emphasized on the change and restriction of humane nature by courtesy and law. He protested the education goal of cultivating scholar, honored person and saint. On the education content, he attached importance on the reading of classics; on teaching, he believed that the process of study included four sections of listening, seeing, knowing and doing and study is for application; on the principle and method of teaching, he advocated the constant perseverance and the recognition of both study and thinking. He also emphasized the important function of teacher and advocated to respect teachers. At the same time, he also put forward rigorous requirements on teachers.
